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曾经的一切已经不想去回忆,更多的是伤心。逃避只能暂时抹去心里的痛。每当一个人独处时,不由自主地感到孤独。虽然都已经长大,但是还是很难逃避那感觉。过了很久也不能忘了那个人,也许我们都错过。我们本来是和能在一起的,只是因为我的冷漠让你觉得无法接近。没勇气的人是无法得到爱情的,天真的自以为时间能解释一切,而等来的却是无法挽回的悲伤。I Walk Alone…
I got that one good girl,
That has always been there, I mean like….
Can’t believe I had a girl like you,
Baby, you were a good girl and I had no right.
I really want to make things right, cuz
Without you in my life,
Girl, I am so….

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